Things could go wrong,
You could be the one who leaves me alone,
Or I.
Things could be change,
You could be change,
Or I.
But look on the brightside,
We don't have title,
We don't have those promises,
We just go on,
And I gotta enjoy this,
This, with you,
And stuff.
All I know is..
I love you. You love me,too. It's enough.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Udah buta, cuma lu lagi yang buta.
Duh maaf kasar. Maafin mau dong? :-)
Udah buta, cuma lu lagi yang buta.
Duh maaf kasar. Maafin mau dong? :-)
Thursday, August 2, 2012
i hate u.
i miss u.
i hate u with all of my mind.
i miss u with all of my heart.
azik. lq
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Not sure
If it's real love, or i'm just too plainly stupid?
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Im ashamed of myself.
Sorry, malem2 galau.
Sorry, gatau apaan yg bikin galau, tapi lagi pengen aja.
Did u ever feel that?
Hihihi, have a good night. Sleep tight.
Iloveyou. xx
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
The sweetest.
Coloring, you're like crayons. Coloured my life by your way.
Warm, you're like sun. Warming my life by your presence.
Annoys, you're like bug. Annoy me by your presence.
Tickles, you're like fingers. Tickling my heart by every word you said.
You know, we just can't be together recently. But here's what I believe: if you and i are meant to be together, if you are my fire to every ice inside me, if you are my cake to my appetite, we will be together. One day.
See you when I see you,
Warmest smile&hug,
Warm, you're like sun. Warming my life by your presence.
Annoys, you're like bug. Annoy me by your presence.
Tickles, you're like fingers. Tickling my heart by every word you said.
You know, we just can't be together recently. But here's what I believe: if you and i are meant to be together, if you are my fire to every ice inside me, if you are my cake to my appetite, we will be together. One day.
See you when I see you,
Warmest smile&hug,
Friday, May 18, 2012
What if
all we have ever wanted isn't hiding in some secret and far away dream
but inside of us now as we breathe one another and find home in the way our arms always seem to fit perfectly around
the spaces between us?
What if
we are the answer and love was the question?
What if
all this time it was us you were supposed to find?
I am filled with wonderings questions and doubt but of one thing I am certain:
it will always be you
that gives flight to the butterflies inside me,
calm to the sea i have become
and hope to darkness all around us.
it is you and it has always been you...
You that soothes and excites and spreads joy like rainfall on the already damp earth;
You that pulled me from the longest sleep and kissed my tired eyelids awake.
If life is a question mark,
then you my love,
are the proud and bold period that is typed with certainty.
all we have ever wanted isn't hiding in some secret and far away dream
but inside of us now as we breathe one another and find home in the way our arms always seem to fit perfectly around
the spaces between us?
What if
we are the answer and love was the question?
What if
all this time it was us you were supposed to find?
I am filled with wonderings questions and doubt but of one thing I am certain:
it will always be you
that gives flight to the butterflies inside me,
calm to the sea i have become
and hope to darkness all around us.
it is you and it has always been you...
You that soothes and excites and spreads joy like rainfall on the already damp earth;
You that pulled me from the longest sleep and kissed my tired eyelids awake.
If life is a question mark,
then you my love,
are the proud and bold period that is typed with certainty.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
You are
I write, whenever I feel sad.
I write, random things that popped up in my mind abt those sadness.
Don't judge.
I write, random things that popped up in my mind abt those sadness.
Don't judge.
Friday, May 4, 2012
The unspoken
Dear you.
Who do you think you are?
Running round leaving scars,
Collecting your jar of hearts,
Tearing love apart.
Youre gonna catch a cold,
From the ice inside your soul.
So dont come back to me.
Who do you think you are?
Who do you think you are?
Running round leaving scars,
Collecting your jar of hearts,
Tearing love apart.
Youre gonna catch a cold,
From the ice inside your soul.
So dont come back to me.
Who do you think you are?
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Jangan suka mengumbar kata2 cinta.
Jangan sampai keluar dari mulut kamu.
Jangan ajah.
Xx. Lq.
Jangan suka mengumbar kata2 cinta.
Jangan sampai keluar dari mulut kamu.
Jangan ajah.
Xx. Lq.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
For you i will.
Just so you know you are remote to my tv
You are gasoline to my car
You are chocolate to my bread
You are cheese to my mac
You are my umbrella if it's raining
You are my sunshine if it's sunny
You are my wind if it's windy
You are my life as I've never told you.
I love you :)
I've loved you and will always love you. Xx
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Friday, January 27, 2012
Meet my baby....
the 2011 photograph
This is a band. An alternative-pop-rock-whatever it's called genre. This band is from Phoenix, Arizona, US of America. It has 5 members. But, i'll talk about them later. It doesn't matter,huh?!!! Ok go on.
Starting to be a die hard fan since 2010. Hahahah
When they were having their very first concert in Jakarta, Indonesia. They were brought by Java Musikindo. I had a friend named Ass3, she was into this thing juga, so we really nyambung and we ngomongin ini gak berenti, just like a labil teenager... i know
But do not look at the past,we have to still move on. Isnt that so right?
The members are....
Jared james monaco. The guitarist. His face somehow looks like my friend named Ageng Aset so everybody (and by everybody i mean me&nfd) is calling Ageng after Jared!
Patrick John Kirch. The drummer. He looks like a girl,doesnt he? I know i know... I dont have any defense though,coz i think the same way as you do.
Kennedy Brock. Another guitarist.
Garrett Daniel nickelsen!!! <3 he's banci tumblr, banci twitter, banci everything you could easily reach so i think i like him the most than the others!
JOHN CORNELIUS O'CALLAGHAN THE FIFTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
no words necessary.
The end of little fan girl post. Im ashamed of myself just now. See you real soon.
oh! almost forget. my faaaaaaaaaaavorite song of the current album of theirs:
daily life,
the maine,
Thursday, January 26, 2012
TV Show Recommendation
Hi, all.
Been a long time for me not to talk normally.
Oh wait,since when did I talk normal?
1. Castle
this tv show is about, a detective, a writer, a detective team, a cop, NYPD, etc etc
I love police-tv-shows! Cozzzzzzzz I think police are awesome;)
Casts are Nathan Fillion (Castle), Stana Katic (Beckett), Seamus Dever (Kevin Ryan), Jon Huertas (Javier).
Sekarang udah sampe season 4, but I think if you're just now have a little interest on this tv show, you are so welcome to watch starts from season 4!
Cozzz Im not watching it since season 1 either hahahahahaha
It has different story in each episodes, so you don't have to worry to not catching up with their episodes. :D
2. Pretty Little Liars
Daaaaamn, whos not love to watch this series? I think all of us (the beautiful yet awesome teenage girls) are really like it! Hahaha :p
This tv show is about four girls, yang di teror sama a mysterious person ( im not saying her/him right?) this tv show udah sampe season 2, but STILL, i don't have a clue who the fuck this mysterious person is.
This tv show adapted from a book yang me haven't read but NFD said the books are way beyond seru & real than the tv show!
But what the fuck, who loves to watch more than read? Raise your hand! No? Ok.
Oh, and if you decided to mau watch it, i strongly recommend you to understand and watch closely each of their episodes! Cozzzzzzzzzzzzzz it is seru bangedDdDdH.
3. The Vampire Diaries
The hell im starting to jijik to myself because i typed "coz" way sering than "because"
Ok. Go on.
This tv show is AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWEsome. It's addicted. Azik. From my point of view, this vampire show is better than edward dkk! I bahkan gak terlalu suka sama si Edward! This tv show is about a girl, yang falling in love or involved onto some vampire town or whatever it is. It's absolutely maybe not. (nggak mungkin) wkwk. It's like super fiction but once you watch it, you bakal like it! Trust me! And whoever yang udah nonton ini and you jumped into season 3 and you starting to like Niklaus..... Im telling you to fuck off. Cause Klaus is mine ;-)
4. Gossip girl
Ah males reviewnya, ceritanya berbelitbelitbelitbelit sebelit ular lagi ngebelit. If you want to understand,like, who the hell is this, who the fuck is this, whos this, whos that, you have to watch dari season 1!!! Coz kalo ngga, you will not understand and the question mark will nempel in your mind along youre watching so you better not watch it sih. But since I udah terlanjur nyari posternya di Google so yaudahlah di upload ajaa hahahahhaa.
Where to watch these?
I have 2 ways if you live in Indonesia tanah air beta,
1. You need to go to tukang dvd asap.
You will find at : Ratu Plaza, ITC Ambassador, La Codefin Kemang.
2. Or streaming! (It's available around the world as long as PIPA or SOPA will not do anything harm to the baby internet)
it's in here --->
or ---->
daily life,
Monday, January 23, 2012

So, im making a confess here,
It's been few months since I applied nail polish while still doing Shalat.
And it means I gotta wear it every fucking day.
My family, such as, mom&dad strongly recommended me to remove this, because of their believes. And so does my bff! They even got mad because Im still doing it. But in the mean time, I just... believe in something new and it lets me free. Ok. Stop with this case.
Now Im in such big obsessed; i'm highly obsessed with nail polish!!!
I couldn't stop buying it.
Everytime I went to The Face Shop, or Revlon, I can't help but buy it!!!
Well, i know you must be thinking why the hell did I not buy O.P.I?
the first thing is,theyre expensive. way expensive. and the fact is, i went abroad this january, and was doing a little research about the prices. And turns out, Indonesia has the most expensive price for a nail polish!
Anyway, I bought some products from Elianto. They had the most stunning colour in my opinion, and the prices were tooooooo cheap I couldn't stand it.
I don't have any idea why im posting this but.. It's just my obsession at the moment.
Well,see ya.<3
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Grow up
Admit it.
Your life sucks.
You wish you could go back to kindergarten.
You wish you could turn back time.
You wish,you wish..
Well I'm not here to please you
Neither to hating you
But what the hell,man
Grow the hell up.
In this life theres only 2 type of people
The good one
and The (trying-to-be-but-they-just-can't-so-they-are-being-fake-but-in-the-end) not so good one.
Here,let me tell you something:
you cant change people the way you want them to be. it's who they are.
so,if you cant be the good one,please,dont be fake.
grow the hell up,baby.
Would you?
I think a lot.
Thinking about how I should react to something
Thinking about how this is gonna bring me
Thinking about how bad that situation
And any other random thinking.
I sing.
I sing a song that popped into my mind
I sing the shrieking of a heart
I sing my talking so it attracts people
I write.
I write about school
I write what I want to be
I write name I want to be with
I write place I want to go to
I write random things like this
I write you.
I overthink
I am in a place I shouldn't be
I need to run
I need to go to the people i feeling good at
And I don't know why I write this
I need to go out
I need to burst
I need to scream way too loud
I need to cry
I need to smile
I need to laugh
I need to swim
I need to eat.
Would you?
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Aside of previous post,
i want to say.. thanks.
thanks Allah.
thanks for the beautiful moment in the beginning of a year.
thank you.
i cant stop thank.
this is so wild.
i miss john anyway
how hes goin?
i cant wait till my super-cita-cita-yang-seems-impossible-and-super-dull come true.
i do believe in dreams.
i do believe in myself.
i do believe.
anyway, i'll go abroad this week.
i can't wait to go.
i miss u,eric.
i miss u,john.
i miss u,jared
i miss u,pat
i miss u,garrett
i miss u,kennedy
i miss u,andrew
i miss u,justin
and.. i miss u,nick
I wonder...
This world is wild.
All you gotta do is just..... dream.
Make lists.
Keep your wishes somewhere deep inside your mind.
Forget that.
ta-da. It came true.
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